FREE Tips & Plans!
Dust Collection Solutions at the Bench
Setting up dust collection at the workbench can be a challenge. Portable tools like finish sanders have tiny ports, but shop vacs have large hoses. Plus a dust collection hose can drag across the edge of the bench and the workpiece, making it difficult to use your tools. Let’s take a look at a hose kit and a ceiling hook that make it work much better!
Dial in the Perfect Length with a Micro-Adjust Screw
You’ve heard the old adage, measure twice, cut once. The idea is to make sure of your measurement before you make a cut. Well, when I have to cut a workpiece for an exact fit, I do exactly the opposite, making two, three or more cuts to get the perfect length. Of course, there's a trick for doing this, so let's take a look.
FREE PLAN: Miter Gauge Stop with Micro-Adjust
PSA — The One Sandpaper We Just Can't Live Without!
Let’s face it, sanding is not always the most fun part of woodworking. But it’s an important step that can make a big difference in how your project turns out. So what is PSA sandpaper, and why does it work so well? It's time to find out!
FREE PLAN: PSA Sandpaper Dispenser