Tips, Tools & Techniques eNote #29

Loose Tenon Joinery, Part 2: Measuring & Marking

Mortise and tenon joinery starts with marking the locations of the mortises. The mortising jig relies on centerlines to locate each mortise. But, it’s a good idea to mark out the full mortise for a visual reference. Follow along and see a few tips and tricks to marking the mortise locations accurately.

Related Videos: Loose tenon Joinery, Part 1.




Woodsmith Store Fine Tools Steel Rulers

The Woodsmith Store Fine Tools Steel Rulers

The Woodsmith Store Fine Tools 6” and 12” steel rules are perfect for precise measuring on workpieces and setting up tools like a table saw or a router table. The 6” steel rule easily fits in your shirt pocket or shop apron, while the 12” steel rule is perfect for larger workpieces and measuring longer distances.


Incra Precision Tiny 3” T-Rule 01

Incra Precision Tiny 3” T-Rule

One of the best T-rules on the market, the Incra 3” Precision Tiny T-Rule Set (TINTT03) is a stainless-steel rule with micro-fine guide holes for marking a fine dot with a sharp pencil or metal scribe.




Incra Precision 6” Rule Set 01

Incra Precision 6” Rule Set

One of the best rule sets on the market, the Incra 6” Precision Rule Set (IRSET-06) is a set of stainless-steel rules with micro-fine guide holes for marking a fine dot with a sharp pencil or metal scribe.