Rubio Monocoat Oil Universal Maintenance Oil


Universal Maintenance Oil is specifically designed to enhance the sheen of wood surfaces finished with Rubio Monocoat Oil Plus 2C, bringing them to a luxurious velvet finish. This product not only nourishes the wood but also revitalizes its appearance, giving it a richer and more refined look.

Universal Maintenance Oil is ideal for converting floors finis...

See Full Description and Specs


Product Highlights

Enhance The Sheen: Universal Maintenance Oil is specifically designed to enhance the sheen of wood surfaces finished with Rubio Monocoat Oil Plus 2C.

Nourish And Revitalize: This product not only nourishes the wood but also revitalizes its appearance, giving it a richer and more refined look.

Floor Finishing: Universal Maintenance Oil is ideal for converting floors finished with other oils to a Rubio Monocoat floor, ensuring a seamless transition and consistent maintenance.


Universal Maintenance Oil is specifically designed to enhance the sheen of wood surfaces finished with Rubio Monocoat Oil Plus 2C, bringing them to a luxurious velvet finish. This product not only nourishes the wood but also revitalizes its appearance, giving it a richer and more refined look.

Universal Maintenance Oil is ideal for converting floors finished with other oils to a Rubio Monocoat floor, ensuring a seamless transition and consistent maintenance. Once applied, all future maintenance should be performed using Universal Maintenance Oil to preserve the enhanced velvet sheen and nourishment it provides.


Basic Features
Spread Rate 1,500-2,000 ft²/L
Cure Time 6 days
VOC Content 0%
Color Options 5
Dilutable No
Shelf Life 12 months
Combustion Warning Cloths, saturated with oil, may spontaneously combust. After usage, they need to be soaked in water before disposal.


Warning:  California Proposition-65

Instructiions-Universal Maintenance Oil

TDS-Rubio Monocoat Universal Maintenance Oil

Care and Maintenance Brochure

0% VOC-Rubio Monocoat

Certifications-Rubio Monocoat

EN 71-3 Compliance


Shipping Information

  • Weight: N/A
  • Dimensions: N/A
  • Size:

    .5L, 100mL, 20mL

  • Rubio Colors:

    UMO Pure