Lignomat MiniLigno MD Moisture Meter

SKU #315353

The mini-Ligno MD/C is our best-priced pocket-size moisture meter with 2 wood groups and a range from 6-25%. Meter reads in 1% steps. If this fits your application, the MD/C is a good choice....

See Full Description and Specs


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Product Highlights

  • Affordable. The meter is built to the same high quality standard as all other mini-Lignos and comes with the same 2-year warranty.
  • Fast and Easy. For measurements push pins into wood and instantly the moisture is indicated in 1% steps between 6% and 25%. Integral pins can measure up to 7/16″ deep. For thicker wood, make a fresh cut and measure the end grain for core readings.


The mini-Ligno MD/C is our best-priced pocket-size moisture meter with 2 wood groups and a range from 6-25%. Meter reads in 1% steps. If this fits your application, the MD/C is a good choice.


Measuring Range 6-25%
Display Numeric display in 1% steps (6%, 7%, 8%...25%)
Species Corrections 2 wood groups for sotftwoods and hardwoods and wood-based panel products
Calibration Stable calibration not affected by ambient temperature. Calibration is internally checked and automatically adjusted if necessary. All mini-Lignos are calibrated for a wood temperature of 70°F (20°C). A correction table for higher and lower wood temperatures is included in the manual.
Calibration Check External calibration check block is available to verify calibration and function of moisture meter, cable and electrode.
Pins 2 pair of pins, measuring depth of 3/16″ and 7/16″ (5,10mm)
Size Pocket-size  2 3/4″x 5″x1″ (70x140x25mm)
Weight 8 ounces (200g), made out of high-impact plastic
Accessories Wrist strap and pouch, one 9V battery and 2 pair of pins, manual and laminated wood group card
Warranty The meter has a 2 year warranty. Virtually unbreakable LED display comes with a life-time warranty.


Warning:  California Proposition 65

Shipping Information

  • Weight: .95 lbs
  • Dimensions: 7 × 5 × 2 in