Loose Tenon Joinery Part 4: Time for Tenons! See how easy it is to make custom-fit tenons. By making the tenons slightly smaller you not only add a gap for glue, but it also allows some adjustment when it comes time to glue up your workpieces.

Router Mortising Jig, Dimensioned Drawings Plan
Looking for an easier way to cut mortises? Try this shop-built benchtop mortising jig. A complete 9-page downloadable plan.

Amana 1/8″ Round-over Bit, 1/4″ Shank
The Amana Carbide-Tipped 1/8” Radius Corner Round creates a 1/8" round-over, perfect for 1/4"-thick loose tenons.

Amana 3/16" Round-over Bit, 1/4″ Shank
The Amana Carbide-Tipped 3/16” Radius Corner Round creates a 3/16" round-over, perfect for 3/8"-thick loose tenons.

Freud 1/4″ Round-over Bit, 1/4″ Shank
The Freud Carbide-Tipped 1/4” Radius Corner Round creates a 1/4" round-over, perfect for 1/2"-thick loose tenons.